Take Advantage of Social Media

By siycom 8 years ago

Diverse Hands Holding Speech Bubbles Social Media Concept

When reaching out to your markets, customers, potential or existing employees, your community, even the financial institutions, social media can give you direct contact with the people who make a difference to your business.   Usage of social media continues to grow and grow.   Not surprisingly over 90% of all 18-29 year olds are on social media daily but did you know that 77% of the age group 30-49 uses social media, as do 51% of 50-64 year olds*.   Even more than a third of 65 year olds and up are now on social media as well and all these numbers keep growing year after year. *Pew Research

There are literally hundreds of social media outlets available today. But for the manufacturing/industrial industry the four that have the most positive influence on your business activity are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.   But which ones you choose depend on your industry. For instance, if you are in the retail industry you’ll want to utilize Instagram, Pinterest and SnapChat.

To be competitive and contemporary with social media, you need a competent content manager with a sound strategy for your content. You can find these specialists within your Marketing Agency, among free-lancers, or by developing your own internal social media capability.

When you connect your business to social media, you want to make the best first impression that you can. Make it simple to contact you. Include easy to find links to your website, email address, phone number and blog if you have one.   Use a strong cover photo or graphic to support your message. Tailor your URL (internet address) to reflect your business name. This will help people to find you and improve your Search Engine Optimization (direct internet contacts). Add “like” and “follow” buttons to your website and other marketing materials so readers can connect easily with your social media and follow your progress.

Social Media is interactive. It changes every day. Every minute.   When you commit to a social media strategy, you also have to commit to keeping your content fresh and engaging for your audience. Learn about your social media followers by looking at analytic features such as Facebook Insights to understand who is liking you, when they are online with your pages, etc. Identify text, photos and videos that put your best foot forward with the people you are reaching, and include those materials in your social media messages.

There are several tools available to measure your performance on social media.   www.google.com/alerts is a free, versatile tool that lets you know every time your brand or keywords appear on online forums, new sites and blogs.   www.hootsuite.com provides weekly social media analytics reports and also offers publishing and engagement features.

If you have not yet brought your company into the world of social media, there is no time like the present to get started. Use the above tips to begin and let us know if you need a little help.

  Social Media
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